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Great-grandmother Delia, a wonderful, lovely lady
Great-Grandmother Delia, a lovely lady When I was a young child, I remember riding out in the country near Arabi, Georgia to visit my great-grandmother.  Her name was Delia, but...
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Beauty of Mission San Francisco de la Espada
For those traveling to San Antonio, I encourage you to take in the Riverwalk, the Tower of America, and the Alamo.  I didn’t realize that the initial name of the Alamo is San Antonio...
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This Thursday, March 17, we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.  Over the years of celebrating St. Patrick’s Day, the focus was all about wearing green to avoid getting pinched. ...
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Seasoning a Cast Iron Skillet and making Grandmother's delicious Biscuits
This past week, I decided to clean up my cast iron skillet and re-season it.  It’s been out in my shed for years.  For some reason, I have been craving some old-fashioned biscuits that...
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Celebrating Mardi Gras, Shrive Tuesday
Shrove Tuesday, Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday.  These were unfamiliar terms to me growing up as a Baptist.  We didn’t celebrate the seasons of the church year, except Christmas...
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Happy President's day or Presidents Day
Happy Birthday George!  Or not!  Today we celebrate Presidents’ Day around the nation.  It occurs on the third Monday of February.  This celebration was originally...
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I want to welcome you to this new adventure I have embarked upon.     Together we will experience many things together.  Find out more about me by clicking the Let’s Meet button below.  


“The Place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meets.” 

 Frederick Büchner


“You can’t stay in your corner of the forest waiting for others to come to you.  You have to go to them sometimes.”

Winnie the Pooh


“Relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing had yet been done.”

C. S. Lewis