About Me

Nice to Meet You

Welcome to my Blog!  I am thankful that you found my site and hope that you will enjoy your time here.  My goal for this blog is to inspire you to meet the challenges of every day.  Together we will seek to live each day to the fullest and enjoy the life we have been given.  

One of the challenges I have faced in my life is living in many different places.  From my toddler years until my present age, I have moved seventeen times.  This has given me many perspectives on life, people, and adapting to change.  I want to use my adventures to Inspire, Embrace, and Provide a place where we can together “seize the day.”

What I enjoy

Music, Gardening, History, Vintage, Reading, Woodwork, Nature Tradition, Learning, Traveling, Christianity, Photography

My Values

Spirituality, Creativity, Simplicity, Teaching, Serving