Happy President’s day or Presidents Day

Happy Birthday George!  Or not!  Today we celebrate Presidents’ Day around the nation.  It occurs on the third Monday of February.  This celebration was originally started to honor the birthday if the Father of our Nation, George Washington, on February 22.  

Over the years, this day has morphed into a day of honoring all presidents that have served our nation.  Officially, it recognizes George Washington and Abraham Lincoln’s birthday that occur in the month of February.  Or, if you are in Alabama, it celebrates George Washington and Thomas Jefferson’s birthdays.

How did this day begin?  While George Washington was still living, people began recognizing the day of his birth.  After he died, people continued to celebrate his birthday, unofficially, on February 22.  Finally, in 1879, his birthday became a federal holiday. 

In 1968, the “Uniform Monday Holiday Act” was passed by Congress.  This act helped federal employees have a three day weekend, and it provided uniformity to all federal holidays occurring on Monday.  This changed Washington’s Birthday celebration to the third Monday of February.  Since 1971, only enough, the celebration of Washington’s birthday has not occurred on his actual birthday.  

This third Monday of February holiday is now known as President’s Day.  But, actually, this is unofficially named as it has never been formally changed by the federal government.  In the mid-eighties, advertising played a part in recognizing the celebration of the office of any national president both past and present.  This change has taken the value and importance away from honoring our Founding Father’s birthday.

Many states and people across this land would like to return to celebrating the birthday of our first President and Hero of the American Revolution.  To honor our nation’s first leader and his accomplishments, the U.S. Senate reads the “Farewell Address of George Washington” every February 22.  

If you’ve never read this document, I challenge you to sit down and do so.  It reminds us of the character and intellect of this Christian man we know as George Washington.  Sacrificing many things for the country and people he loved, he turned down the notion that he be made the King of the United States of America.  

Below are several points that he sets forth in his Farewell Address.  As you ponder these, consider whether or not Washington deserves our country’s honor.  How good it would be if more of our current politicians thought this way today.  

1. Unity of America. We are one nation together who “finds in the united mass of means and efforts greater strength, resources and security.”  May we stand together as one people.

2. Put the Common interest of the nation over political parties and regionalism.  We are not just Republicans and Democrats, Conservatives and Liberals, North, South, East or West, but a united America.  

3. The right of the people to make and alter their constitutions of government if they be oppressive.  Until change occurs, obey that which is established.  

4. Respect and cherish Religion and Morality; they are indispensable.   “Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that National morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principles.” 

5. Education and knowledge are important.  People need knowledge to help them understand and make wise decisions.  

6. Discourage Debt.  This is to be encouraged in our government, in our businesses, and in our homes.

7. Observe good faith and justice toward all nations; cultivate peace and harmony.  

These points put forth by our first President remind us that this great experiment of a Republic can only be continued if the people of the United States and its government officials are united together as one people.  Washington was  humble enough to say of himself, “I am nevertheless too sensible of my defects not to think it probable that I may have committed many errors.  Whatever they may be, I fervently beseech the Almighty to avert or mitigate the evils to which they may tend.”  

George Washington was truly a great man and a unique leader.  For this first leader of our country, should we have a special day set aside to celebrate George?  

As we enter this Presidents’ Day and remember the birthday of George Washington, may we be reminded of the sacrifices and greatness of men like our founding father George Washington.